About 252 Scheme
The 252 scheme is open to all P.A.C. Members.
The object of the scheme is to encourage Achers to work on their technique and increase confidence in their ability to score consistently at different distances. The distances shot will be 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, and 80 yards.
Different colour badges will be available for each distance achieved.
252 scores do not count towards handicap or classification.
AGB Rules of shooting apply
2. 6 Sighter arrows permitted before scoring
3. 36 arrows per round
4. Rounds to be shot in ends of 6 arrows on a 122mm target face with 5 zone scoring
5. Any attempt for the appropriate bow score must be the first round shot that day and can be the first 3 dozen of an Imperial round.
For the first 3 dozen of an Imperial round please circle the 6th end total and write 252 next to it on your score sheet. If scoring on an app, (phone), Archers will need to complete a 252 score sheet.
6. You may only claim one round score per day.
7. Scores for each distance must be achieved twice to receive the
appropriate badge.
8. Distances can be shot in any order.
9. Completed score sheets, signed by another Archer, can be left in the clubhouse for recording by the scheme organiser who will maintain a database of scores and badges claimed.
10. Differing scores are required for different bow types. (See Table)
11. 252 shooting records can be obtained on any day when shooting at the range if members are present to verify the achievement.
252 over 50 yards – important - If members wish to qualify for 252 awards from 50 yards and above, these need to be, not only verified by another club member but each record must be by a different club member i.e. not the same member for the two verifications.